The Burmese Community Development Collaboration (BCDC) T/A Metta Community Care Sydney (MCCS) – ABN 39 150 530 260 has been involved in supporting the Education & Health Sectors and involving IT base education inside Myanmar since 2018. The main thrust of the Aid provided involved donation of IT equipment & associated peripherals for a total of 4 times up to 2020.
These massive operations of charitable donations for the impoverished students of Myanmar (especially Non Formal Education (NFE) projects for those who couldn’t attend mainstream schools) would not have been possible if it were not for the kindness, generosity, compassion & support shown and contribution made by the Burmese Community in Sydney who contributed funds, equipment, technical advice, free labour, time, ideas, suggestions & various ways of support. Therefore, BCDC would like to wholeheartedly thank & honour all donors & supporters – the Staff of Excess Technology Pty Ltd., The Hsayardaws (Head Monks) of 2 Buddhist Monasteries, Contributors of labour, time, funds, The Ambassador & Staff of Myanmar Embassy Canberra and all well-wishers & supporters of BCDC. Last but not least, BCDC wish to also wholeheartedly thank the support network in Yangon who contributed time and labour to clear Customs and undertake distribution of the various donated goods to safely reach its destinations.
It is a great honour that BCDC has such dedicated supporters for its Aid projects to Myanmar to be successful.

Through these 4 shipments of donated IT Equipment & its peripherals from BCDC and the establishment of NGO & Donor/ Charity Organisations network in Myanmar, BCDC has managed to establish a wide network of IT Digital platforms, equipment for online teaching & learning, IT storage system (storage capacity 400TB) etc. This latest round of donated shipment which left Sydney on 8 July 2020 is especially targeted to support online learning during the Covid 19 Pandemic and to support the impoverished schools in the districts with Covid 19 prevention equipment. The Recipients of these donations include 7 Charity Organisations, 2 District Universities, 2 Monastic Schools, 5 District High Schools, 1 Middle School, 4 Primary Schools.

From the above list of recipients, the 2 Universities and Government Schools are going to use the IT Equipment directly at their destinations but the other recipients (Charity Organisations) are not only going to use it themselves but also going to share with other charities in the network. These are Hope For Shining Stars (H4SS – NFE Project), U Hla Tun Cancer Foundation Mandalay, Bohmu Ba Shin Foundation. The Recipient who is going to receive the largest share of the donation this time – The Pearl Computer Centre, Yankin is going to use the 400TB Storage system for their Data Centre to provide online services to Charities, Education Institutions & the Government’s “e government” projects. From this, it is anticipated that there will be additional benefits – educational and livelihood benefits for a lot of people, students and laymen alike.
The list of Donors (Monetary), (Equipment) (Labour & Time) are as follows:

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