Funding sources – list in order of proportion of funds received
- BCDC members’ donations & In-kind donations from businesses
- Sydney based Burmese community fundraising activities
- Federal / local government grants ( Volunteer Grants from Federal government $5000 x 2 – 2016 & 2018) + Cumberland Council grants $20000 (2017) & $8500 (2019)
- Membership fees ($20 p.a. per member)approx.. 70-80 members at every AGM
Volunteer Grants for 2015 & 2018
The Australian Government through the Department of Social Services invited community organisations to support the development and enhancement of volunteer network. BCDC was successful in its application and granted $5,000 twice, in 2015 & 2018. BCDC was one of around 5,700 organisations that was successful in the grant processes.
The Volunteer Grants enabled BCDC to purchase small equipment items to assist its volunteers through the reimbursement of fuel costs incurred by volunteers (and transport costs for volunteers with disability who are unable to drive), and contribute towards the cost of training courses and background screening checks for volunteers.
This success is a much-needed boost to the BCDC’s organisational capacity building. It is another step closer to the development of strong and solid structure for a community organisation. We need this strong organisational structure to work for the development and the betterment of the Sydney Burmese community and its members of all ages and background.
The grant is designed for the successful organisation to purchase equipment, pay training fees for volunteers and reimbursement of fuel costs etc. Capable, well informed and well-trained workforce is one of the essential part of organisational capabilities. For a community organisation that relies on generous volunteers, training is vitally critical to improve their skills and knowledge. The organisation regards this as a priority.
BCDC organised First Aid training for its volunteers particularly those who volunteer for the MCCS. Then BCDC held a Volunteers Appreciation Dinner on 20 July 2019 for our Volunteers who are our Heroes without whom our organisation cannot go on. This is a way of showing BCDC’s recognition towards volunteers’ valuable contributions to the community. BCDC also thanks the Australian Government through Department of Social Services for this opportunity.
Information Management System (IMS) Project Grant– 2017 -2018
The IMS project was implemented with help from Cumberland Council Stronger Communities Grant of $20000.00 for the benefit of the Aged Care Provider Business. It is now completed and ready for use. We thank the Cumberland Council for providing this support
(VI) Application for ACFID (Australian Council For International Development) lodged 30 April 2019
We hope to strengthen our organisation by gaining concrete principles of good conduct where humanitarian aid is involved. The ACFID Code of Conduct with its 9 Quality Principles and 32 Commitments would now become our organisation’s guiding principles & check points in all our internal decision making. The Seven Values derived from the Quality Principles will be used as the core assessment in measuring our organisation’s Board members and key volunteers’ integrity and accountability.
Our organization can offer experience, reliability, trust & transparency in carrying out humanitarian work overseas. We can bring about effective change to the lives of the most needy as we regularly visit the country to identify worthy causes to provide support and collaborate with internal stakeholders and donors to produce the most effective and sustainable outcomes. We train the local people simple accounting and book-keeping procedures to achieve effective governance & resource management. Our main focus is on vocational training to achieve long term development.
We have demonstrated our capacity and ability to collaborate and coordinate with various organisations from across diverse sectors. In so doing, we seek to deliver positive outcomes to the community. Our commitments of services to community and its betterment are evident in our activities and initiatives demonstrated in our strategies and actions so far.
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